Fri, June 17, 2022
This Week in Python is a concise reading list about what happened in the past week in the Python universe.
Python Articles
- Handling Concurrency Without Locks – Concurrency is not very intuitive. You need to train your brain to consider what happens when multiple processes execute a certain code block at the same time.
- The strange relationship between objects, functions, generators and coroutines
- Python logging: do’s and don’ts
- Bundling binary tools in Python wheels
- C vs Golang Python extension performance
- pathfinding – Pathfinding Algorithm Visualization Tool written in Python
- streamlit – Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
- django-pgpubsub – A distributed task processing framework for Django built on top of the Postgres NOTIFY/LISTEN protocol
- pikepdf – A Python library for reading and writing PDF, powered by qpdf
- PyWebIO – Write interactive web app in script way