Fri, December 30, 2022
This Week in Python is a concise reading list about what happened in the past week in the Python universe.
Python Articles
- Where exactly does Python 3.11 get its ~25% Speedup?
- 10 must-know patterns for writing clean code with Python
- An Introduction to Just Enough Cython to be Useful
- Python libraries to make your code readable, reliable and maintainable
- Extending Python with Rust
- PyFlow – An open-source tool for visual and modular block programming in python
- konsole – Readable, pleasing console output for Python
- openai-gpt3-chatbot – A chatbot that uses speech to text for input, sends the text to OpenAI’s GPT-3 text generation model and speaks the response using text to speech
- statistically-correct-python – An approximate Python interpreter
- python-for-coding-interviews – Python for Coding Interviews